VISYON – “Values, Ideas and Stories from Youth ON stage ” is a project created by the partnership of 8 associations around Europe. It is a 24-month long Erasmus+ KA3 European Youth Together project that aims to encourage youth’s social and civic engagement and ensure that young people have the necessary resources to participate fully in society.
It is a European Youth Together project that unites NGOs and young people from all over Europe: Greece, Bulgaria, Italy, Slovakia, Netherlands, Spain, and Malta.
8 groups from different countries, around 80 young people from 15 to 29 years old, and 24 youth workers are meeting in their countries in person. But also they have online meetings among the local groups of the different countries to connect them and support transnational cooperation.
The project started in March 2023 and participants already had local workshops in all the partner countries, to deepen their knowledge of the 11 European Youth Goals, Digital Storytelling methods, and principles of Media Literacy. Also, they had an opportunity for a scriptwriting session for the short movies.
Participants are in the process of making a European Youth Diary, which is a compilation of stories, views, and recommendations of 264 young European citizens reflecting the current state of European policies’ efficiency in achieving the defined European Youth Goals.
In the next activities, the participants will have a chance to go to the International Youth Mobility in Greece, where participants from all partner countries will meet in January 2024. Also, participants will have an opportunity of a short movie shooting process with a professional movie agency, Tanino Films from Italy which will take place between February and August 2024.
VISYON project was designed in this particular framework, with the specific goal to Engage, Connect and Empower young people across Europe by equipping them with a stronger sense of belonging to the European society, thus turning them into active citizens with highly important skills for the 21st century, such as media literacy and digital content creation.
The project is based on an innovative approach, which will enable young people to share their opinions and recommendations for EU Youth Policies through short-movies creation. The project unites several NGOs from all over Europe, in particular:
- ● Entrepreneurship and Social Economy Group (EKO) from Greece – Project Coordinator
- ● Fondatsia Za Predpriemachestvo, Kultura I Obrazovanie (FECE) from Bulgaria
- ● Centro Italiano Per L’apprendimento Permanente (CIAPE) from Italy
- ● VisMedNet Association from Malta
- ● yEUth from the Netherlands
- ● Asociatia Monomyths from Romania
- ● Youthfully Yours from Slovakia
- ● Amigos De Europa Leonardo Da Vinci (AELV) from Spain